The Blast Furnace is a monthly meetup, competition & education session

aimed at all levels of programmers.

Next Event
Our events are held monthly, check here for the next events time & schedule.

Each Blastfurnace event is organised into three main areas. Introduction to coding for beginners, coding competitions for intermediate skill levels & project-based collaborations for advanced coders.


14th April, 2022


6:30pm - 8:30pm


1/323 Hillsborough Rd, Warners Bay, 2282

Coding Comp!
Hey everyone, fire up for another opportunity to show off your skills! What you need to know about this event: 1. Laid back, no pressure and collaboration is encouraged 2. Anyone can participate! (It doesn't matter what country you're in!) 3. Use CodinGame to run the comps 4. Each challenge is no longer than 10min (often faster) 5. You can program in your choice of 24 different languages 6. Have a practice on CodinGame beforehand if you want to get a feel How it works: We use CodinGame ( to run code clashes. These are time restricted (10-15min) programming problems that you can solve using 1 of 27 different programming languages including Bash, JavaScript, Python3, C, C++ Dart, Swift, Ruby and many more... See here for full list There are 3 types of problems we solve: - Fastest: You win if you come up with the correct solution in the fastest amount of time - Shortest: The person who uses the least amount of characters to solve the problem wins - Reverse: you get given the inputs and outputs and must write the code to produce the given outputs based on the given inputs. You get points for attempting each challenge and rewarded for coming in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. We will complete around 6 - 8 challenges over the duration of the event and the final winner is the person with the most points at the end. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Join us online for a few laughs and some healthy competition!

Cameron Owen

Cam is the director at SAPHI engineering. Cam is a passionate programmer with a bachelor of computer engineering. He loves all things software and is always up for a healthy competition. Can you beat Cam?

Each Blastfurnace is carefully structured to accomodate all skill levels!
Welcome to Blast Furnace

Each Blast Furnace starts with an introduction to all coders and a break down of the coding languages and challenges we will be tackling. The guest presenter for the beginner section is introduced and the rules are covered for the coders doing the comps. We take a sneak peek at next month’s event before getting stuck into coding!.

CODE Learn to code.

This section will run through the basics of coding for using the technology of the night. Will be a Do-as-I-Do format where the participants follow the presenter after some basic introduction. This should not be too in-depth and will walk you through the “Hello World” of the technology or software we will be using for this event. This will run for 1 hour.

COLLABORATE For all coders!

Interactive session where all members form groups and work on writing some code together to compete with other groups at the end or just generally complete the challenges set out. This follows a pizza break after the first hour. The goal for this section is to work together to write code. This is where the pros can teach the new comers. The challenges are designed by the presenter, in collaboration with the Blast Furnace organisers.

We’d love to see you at our next event
All Blastfurnace attendee’s will keep track of their progress through their free CYFERLinx profile. Sign up before you come or we can sign you up on the day to access lessons, projects, keep track of your points & view the leaderboard.
Keep up to date with Blastfurnace through our social accounts. We’ll post our upcoming events and news

The Blastfurnace is proudly supported by The Business Centre.

The Business Centre boasts a team of Business Advisors, Trainers and Mentors. Their team has curated a range of business advisory programs, accelerators, incubators, workshops, accredited and unaccredited training courses.

The Blastfurnace is proudly supported by SISP.

The STEM Industry School Partnerships (SISP) is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education, delivered in association with Regional Development Australia. Through the connection of education and industry, we provide an educational model that engages students, inspires them to study STEM and prepares them for STEM careers

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